2015. március 3., kedd


My favorite Swan Queen scene !



Mary Margaret: Oh God, it’s true.
Emma: What is?
Mary Margaret: I mean, I heard rumors. I even told Ruby to stop teasing me about it, because there’s no way that my daughter would ever… oh God.
Emma: We wanted to talk to you today to tell you that, yes, we’re in a relationship. And Henry knows. And we’re going to try to make all [circling hand motion] that… work.
Regina: [points at Emma] She wanted to tell you. I just wanted to see your face when she told you.
Emma: Regina!
Regina: Sorry. [not remotely]
Mary Margaret: You’re lying.
Regina: Excuse me?
Mary Margaret: This isn’t some cruel joke to you. This isn’t a game. I saw how you looked at her.
Regina: Why don’t you keep your mouth shut for once in your life, Snow?
Emma: What’s she talking about?
Regina: Nothing, dear. 
Mary Margaret: I’m saying that whatever you think this is, Emma—and I’m already wishing you’d go back to one night stands and inappropriate men, in case you were wondering—it’s something very real for Regina.
Regina: You know nothing, Snow.
Mary Margaret: (quietly) It’s the way you looked at Daniel.
Regina: [lunging across the table] Don’t you dare!
Emma: [restraining Regina] You should go. I’ll come over, later. Cocoa and gossip, I promise.
Regina: [struggles in Emma’s grip until MM leaves and Regina is released] God, I hate her.
Emma: We probably need to work on that. Now, is there something you need to tell me?
Regina: No.
Emma: Regina… was that a bad thing? Talking about Daniel makes you so sad, and if you look that way when you look at me…
Regina: [taking Emma’s face in her hands] Look at me. Am I sad?
Emma: Well, always a little bit. Around the edges. But… no.
[they smile nervously at each other]
Regina: I loved Daniel. And… I know we aren’t doing this, and you don’t have to say or feel anything in return but I suppose… fineyesIloveyouokay?
Emma: [tearing up] Oh God, really?
Regina: We don’t have to mention it ever again if you—
Emma: [kisses her, soundly] I um, love you, or whatever. I just don’t like saying it. I didn’t know if I could say it.
Regina: Well. This was not what I expected.
Emma: It never is, with us.

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