2015. február 23., hétfő

ADDISON: I knew we shouldn’t have done this.DEREK: You can do this, Addison. Keep going. Pulse-ox is only 88, keep going.ADDISON: Oh, shut up, dammit. You cornered me. I let you corner me. This, is the Hotdog Thanksgiving all over again.DEREK: What?ADDISON: Oh, you know what. Your mother breaks her wrist, so the day before Thanksgiving you invite thirty-four people over to our house, without asking me, knowing I’ve never cooked a turkey in my life, your sister gets salmonella, and your mother, who never liked me accuses me of trying to kill everyone, and then you, haha, make hotdogs, and you’re the hero. DEREK: Addison…ADDISON: No! It’s the exact same thing, Derek. You make some cavalier statement and then I gotta do all the work and no matter how it turns out, you’re the hero and I’m incompetent. ALEX: Her respirations are stabilising. ADDISON: How’s her pulse-ox?DEREK: It says 92. Lungs are clearing. You did it. ADDISON: I did it. I did it. DEREK: Who’s the hero now?ADDISON: Shut up. DEREK: Okay.  

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